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Thursday, 31 July 2014
Naan Sigappu Manithan Songs 320kbps High Quality

Naan Sigappu Manithan Songs 320kbps High Quality

Naan Sigappu Manithan - G. V. Prakash Kumar

Naan Sigappu ManithanTamil Movie, Naan Sigappu Manithan Songs Download Music By G. V. Prakash Kumar - Naan Sigappu Manithan

Featuring : Vishal, Lakshmi Menon, Iniya

Production : Vishal Film Factory
Starring : Vishal, Lakshmi Menon, Iniya
Director : Thiru
Lyrics : Na. Muthukumar



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Singer(s) : G.V.Prakash Kumar, Megha, Chorus

Aadu Machi


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Singer(s) : Gana Bala, Vijay Prakash, Megha, Dinesh Kanagaratnam

Penne Oh Penne


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Singer(s) : Vandhana Srinivasan, Al-Rufiyan

Idhayam Unnai


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Singer(s) : G.V.Prakash Kumar, Saindhavi

Aadu Machi (Club Mix) -


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Singer(s) : DJ Vijay Chawla

A Restless Soul -


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Singer(s) : Instrumental

Posted By Partha 

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Mann Karate Songs 320kbps High Quality

Mann Karate Songs 320kbps High Quality

Maan Karate - Anirudh Ravichander

Maan KarateTamil Movie, Maan Karate Songs Download Music By Anirudh Ravichander - Maan Karate

Featuring : Sivakarthikeyan, Hansika Motwani, Soori, Vamsi Krishna

Production : Escape Artists Motion Pictures
Starring : Sivakarthikeyan, Hansika Motwani, Soori, Vamsi Krishna
Director : Thirukumaran
Lyrics : YugaBharathi, Madhan Karky, Gana Bala & R.D.Raja



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Singer(s) : Anirudh

Darling Dambakku


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Singer(s) : Benny Dayal, Sunidhi Chauhan

Un Vizhigalil


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Singer(s) : Anirudh, Shruti Haasan

Royapuram Peter


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Singer(s) : Siva Karthikeyan, Paravai Muniyamma

Open The Tasmac


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Singer(s) : Deva, Anirudh

Darling Dambakku (Reprise)


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Singer(s) : Nivas, Kalpana

posted by partha 

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Resident Evil Tamil Dubbed Collection - 720p - BD-Rip - [Tam + Eng + Hid] - [X264 - Mp3 - 800MB] [E-Sub]

Resident Evil Tamil Dubbed Collection - 720p - BD-Rip - [Tam + Eng + Hid] - [X264 - Mp3 - 800MB] [E-Sub]

                Resident Evil

Download [Tamil+ English + Hindi] Dubbed Movie Collection

[720p - BD-Rip] - [X264 - Mp3 - 800MB]

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Attached File - Resident Evil - Tamil Dubbed Collection - 720p - BD-Rip - Tam+Eng+Hid X264-AAc-800MB.torrent   

posted by partha 

For More information visit: Nanbanforall.blogspot,com 

Harry Potter - The Complete 8-Film Collection [Tamil + Eng][720p - BluRay - 700MB]

Harry Potter - The Complete 8-Film Collection [Tamil + Eng][720p - BluRay - 700MB]

Harry Potter - The Complete 8-Film Collection [Tamil + Eng][720p - BluRay


Attached File                                          Harry Potter - Tamil Dubbed Complete Collections - Tamil & Eng720p - BDRips - 700MB.torrent    

posted by partha 
For More information visit:
Transformers Trilogy - Tamil Dubbed Collection (2007-2009-2011) [Tamil + Eng + Hin][720p - BDRip's - x264 - 1GB][Eng Subs]

Transformers Trilogy - Tamil Dubbed Collection (2007-2009-2011) [Tamil + Eng + Hin][720p - BDRip's - x264 - 1GB][Eng Subs]

Transformers Trilogy - Tamil Dubbed Collection (2007-2009-2011) [Tamil + Eng + Hin][720p - BDRip's - x264 - 1GB][Eng Subs]

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posted by partha 

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Moon Mission 50-Year Anniversary: A Vintage Look Back

Moon Mission 50-Year Anniversary: A Vintage Look Back

First image of the moon taken by U.S Spacecraft
Ranger 7 took this image, the first picture of the Moon by aU.S. spacecraft, on 31 July 1964 at 13:09 UT (9:09 AM EDT) about 17 minutes before impacting the lunar surface. Image credit: NASA/JPL
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July 30, 2014
: In the early days of lunar exploration, no one knew what the surface of the moon was really like. On July 31, 1964, NASA obtained the first close-up photographs of the moon from Ranger 7, a spacecraft that made a historic impact that day.
The short 1964 documentary "Lunar Bridgehead," produced by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, chronicles the moments leading up to and following Ranger 7 mission's lunar impact 50 years ago. The mission had the objective of sending back photos of the small-scale topography on parts of the moon's surface, for the benefit of science and a future human voyage to the moon.
The film is available online at:
Ranger 7 marked the first successful mission from the United States to explore the moon.
"It looks as though this particular shot has been indeed a textbook operation," William H. Pickering, the director of JPL during the mission, said at the time.
Ranger 7, which included two solar panel wings and six TV cameras, was built at JPL. It launched on July 28, 1964.
The spacecraft sent back more than 4,300 photos. Engineers at the Goldstone antenna tracking station in the Mojave Desert were the first to glimpse these first pictures of the lunar surface.
The black-and-white JPL film shows the anticipation and excitement of the people involved in the mission. As the 11-foot-tall (3.6-meter) spacecraft approached the moon -- "Stand by for impact," the voice from Goldstone announced - the countdown began, ending in applause and cheering.
For more information about Ranger 7, visit:

posted by partha

 New NASA Studies to Examine Climate/Vegetation Links

New NASA Studies to Examine Climate/Vegetation Links

 Two new spaceborne Earth-observing instruments will help scientists better understand how global forests and ecosystems are affected by changes in climate and land use change. This image of the Amazon rainforest is from a 2010 global map of the height of the world's forests based on multiple satellite datasets. Image credit: NASA Earth Observatory
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July 30, 2014
NASA has selected proposals for two new instruments, including one from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, that will observe changes in global vegetation from the International Space Station. The sensors will give scientists new ways to see how forests and ecosystems are affected by changes in climate or in land use.
A high-resolution, multiple-wavelength imaging spectrometer from JPL will study the effectiveness of water use by vegetation. This instrument will be completed in 2018 and will not cost more than $30 million. A laser-based system from the University of Maryland, College Park, will observe the structure of forest canopy. This instrument will be completed in 2019 and will not cost more than $94 million.
"We are excited to expand the use of the International Space Station to make critical Earth observations that will help scientists understand the diversity of forests and vegetation and their response to a changing climate," said John Grunsfeld, associate administrator of NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. "These innovative Earth Venture Instruments will join a growing suite of NASA Earth-observing sensors to be deployed to the station starting this year."
The instruments were competitively selected from 20 proposals submitted to NASA's Earth Venture Instrument program. Part of the Earth System Science Pathfinder program, Earth Venture investigations are small, targeted science investigations that complement NASA's larger research missions. The National Research Council recommended in 2007 that NASA undertake this type of regularly solicited, quick-turnaround project. The program's first selection was awarded in 2010.
Simon Hook of JPL is the principal investigator for the ECOsystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station (ECOSTRESS). This project will use a high-resolution thermal infrared radiometer to measure plant evapotranspiration, the loss of water from growing leaves and evaporation from the soil. These data will reveal how ecosystems change with climate and provide a critical link between the water cycle and effectiveness of plant growth, both natural and agricultural.
The ECOSTRESS team has extensive experience in development and analysis of thermal infrared spectroscopic images of Earth's surface. Hook has served as project scientist for the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) instrument on NASA's Earth Observing System Terra satellite and has been involved in numerous suborbital field campaigns. The team includes partnerships with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Beltsville, Maryland, and Maricopa, Arizona; Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey; and the University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho.
Ralph Dubayah, of the University of Maryland, is the principal investigator for the Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) Lidar. This project will use a laser-based system to study a range of climates, including the observation of the forest canopy structure over the tropics, and the tundra in high northern latitudes. These data will help scientists better understand the changes in natural carbon storage within the carbon cycle from both human-influenced activities and natural climate variations.
The GEDI team has extensive experience in observing and modeling forest and vegetation dynamics. Dubayah has led numerous vegetation lidar observations from suborbital platforms throughout his career. The team includes partnerships with NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland; Woods Hole Research Center, Woods Hole, Massachusetts; the U.S. Forest Service, Ogden, Utah; and Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island.
The International Space Station provides several in-orbit capabilities useful to both instruments. The space station's orbit is inclined relative to the poles, providing more observation time of forests and vegetation over temperate land masses than possible from the polar orbits commonly used for other types of Earth observations. The GEDI laser requires significant power resources, which the space station can provide. Also, the relatively low altitude of the station's orbit, about 260 miles (418 kilometers) up, benefits GEDI by ensuring a higher return energy for laser pulses reflected from the ground.
In 2012, NASA selected the first Earth Venture Instrument investigation, the Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution (TEMPO) mission. TEMPO will be the first space-based sensor to monitor major air pollutants across North America hourly during daytime. It will share a ride on a commercial satellite as a hosted payload and orbit about 22,000 miles (35,400 kilometers) above the equator.
NASA's Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia, manages the Earth System Science Pathfinder program for NASA's Science Mission Directorate. The missions in this program provide an innovative approach to address Earth science research with periodic windows of opportunity to accommodate new scientific priorities. For more information, visit:

posted by partha

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